Hi, my name is Mohamed Maskoul
I'm Web Developer.

See My Projects

About Me

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I'm a Web Developer Based in Tangier, Morocco. I like to code things from scratch, I'm passionate about technology and enjoy learning the new trends and implementing it in the web development to make life much easier and nicer.

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Soli Sport

Showcase website for a sport company that allows user to know products and services that the company offer Home page Product page About us page contact us page

Build with HTML5, CSS3.

Home Chef

The landing page of Home Chef that is a responsive web page.

Build with HTML5, CSS3.

Gestion d'ouvrages v2

Library manager app(CRUD) that can help the librarian to manage the books in the table (name, author, price, date of publish, type). it can edit or delete any row in the table.

Build with HTML5, CSS3, javascript, Bootstrap.

My Blog App

Share your ideas with different people from the world!

Build with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, React, Redux, npm, firebase, Webpack, Heroku.


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